
Before you join the Racial Equity Equipping, you're asked to complete several items of pre-work. Please complete BEFORE the morning of the equipping.

1a. Complete and capture the results from the Harvard Implicit Bias Test. This test should take less than 20 minutes.  Please be ready to reflect on your experience during the equipping.  To take the Implicit Bias Test, click the link below, select the "GO" box in the "Project Implicit Featured Task" section. Then click the box "RACE IAT"

1b. Watch the preface and lesson 5 from the linked video series produced by UCLA office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion which speaks to bias, and more specifically the IAT test. It would be great if you watched all of them (and in all only takes about 30 minutes, but if you can't swing it, focus on the Preface and Lesson 5).

2. Please review and internalize the grace space covenant. It can be found on pages 28-29 of the What Lies Between Us work book, or in the document linked below.

3. Please review necessary vocabulary for engaging in this critical work as it is imperative that we begin with a common language.

4. Please review the history of Salem Presbytery.